Día del Arquitecto

m. artedesign has no borders and its Design also arrives in Venezuela.

4 July: Architect’s Day. The city of Caracas becomes the scene of numerous meetings, in which companies from all over the world are selected by renowned architects to furnish the various exhibition spaces at the event.

m. artedesign is among them and on 12 and 13 July will have the pleasure of exhibiting at the University of Architecture and Urbanism in Caracas.

In addition, m. artedesign articles have been chosen by Grupo Pórtico 2000 to furnish selected spaces at the Lider Mall.

For further information, please contact Grupo Pórtico 2000.

Centro Comercial LÍDER, Segunda etapa, Centro de compras y diversión, Local A-08, Nivel Automercado, Boleita Sur, Caracas.
+58 412 3870508

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